Wednesday, January 6, 2010

To Blog or Not to Blog, that is the question...

Hello friends,

Wow, it's been almost a year since I've written on Test Drive Kitchen. The blog may have an inch of dust and a few virtual cobwebs, but my real kitchen (in desperate need of renovation) is getting an incredible workout everyday. My son is now 18 months old and I'm introducing him to all kinds of wonderful foods. He tries everything I serve from butternut squash to cauliflower to quinoa. I am so proud! Here's a video starring my son Ryan discovering an innovative way of eating Cheerios:

Besides running after a very fast toddler, there's been a lot of wonderful changes happening in my life over the last year and I'd love to share them with you.

I've successfully kept off over 40 lbs since May 2008! I feel like I have endless energy, I get wonderful, uninterrupted sleep, skin is looking fresh and glowy, but best of all, I learned so much more about myself. Ever since my appearance at "City Hall" in Annapolis where I lobbyed for calorie amounts at chain restaurants, I've become fascinated with food politics. Recently a change my family has made is to buy food from local farmers so we know where our food is coming from and how it is grown. On Thursday, we're getting our first delivery of organic milk, cheese, eggs and a roasting hen. I'll blog all about it!

Also, since April 2008, I've had a radio segment on a DC pop station called Mix 107.3 FM. You can hear me online or if you're local tune in on Monday nights at 8:50 EST ( The segment is called Mom Gone Wild and I tell real life, mostly humorous stories from mommyhood. It's part stand up and part improv. The DJ Tommy McFly is a friend of mine from when I performed at the DC Improv. I'm having a blast doing it.

I'm continuing to cook up a storm, but now I'm mostly doing my own recipes. I thought I should start writing them down and share them with you. As always, I try to get the most nutritional bang for my buck. So there will be less of testing other's recipes and more of testing my own.

And finally, I have a favor to ask you...I need your help. It's become clearer to me that my career path, while on hold for the moment while I live at Stay at Home Mom-ville, should be focused on helping families incorporate healthy cooking in their lives. Both my happiness and health have benefited greatly from changing my family's diet from processed foods to whole foods. I am tinkering with the idea of starting my own personal consulting business where I assess a family's need and particular obstacles first, then, work with them in organizing their pantry and fridge, take them shopping (in an economical way!) and teach them to plan and cook healthy meals. My husband suggested I start by going on a "listening tour" and ask people what they would find the most helpful from this kind of service. This is where YOU come in. I would love to hear from you via comments or email ( Tell me your frustrations, vent a little or a lot and tell me what your fairy godmother, er, healthy cook consultant could do to make your life easier.

Glad to be back and can't wait to hear from you!!




Unknown said...

You know what I could really & easy recipes for weeknight cooking. I get so tired of the same old thing, so please feel free to share your recipes. I especially love using my crock pot during the week or using my immersion blender to whip up a soup. I just keep making the same few things.

Glad you are going to blog again & I think you'll find great success doing what you love!

Tracy said...

Welcome back. I love your consulting idea...but I'd really just prefer you move in with me and cook all my that too much to ask??

circlerhythm said...

oh, how i love you!

Ok, two new websites/resources I learned of recently that connect with your passions:

The Naptime Chef - she was just featured on News Channel 7

Your Fairy Jewish Godmother - I will try her recipe for chicken soup soon.

both may be a source of inspiration to you, or heck, you would probably be a source of inspiration to them too!